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CALCITE • Orange Calcite Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

CALCITE • Orange Calcite Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

Calcite is a Seeker Builder Crystal. Seeker Builder crystals are used to focus your efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal. Finding your true love, getting your perfect home, or having a financially secure retirement are all dreams that take a great deal of focus and energy to accomplish.

Calcite is a perfect aid for such efforts. Calcite has Metal elemental energy. Metal energy is the energy of intelligence, contraction, healing, and creativity. It is the energy of togetherness and crystallization – of ideas, of concepts, and of groups. It is some times hard, sharp, and often destructive, yet an essential element in all lives. In Calcite, its metal energy is tempered and more focused on power for avoiding being a victim of others. The metal element brings the power of concentration and determination to our lives and our dwellings.

Use Calcite in the west area of your home or room to bring the Metal energy of concentration to your efforts. Calcite is a meditation stone used when you need to restore balance in your life, when it is out of balance from an excess of Yang energy. The world can be a harsh, hard, loud, and forceful place. Calcite is a repose. For many, just holding one for a few minutes brings great relief. Other practitioners report that Calcite facilitates time travel, inspires, and energizes you. It is also reported to cure resentment and animosity. The stones do seem to also be used for strengthening character, fighting bigotry, and sexism. It’s also a stone that will connect you to your own spirit guides. It will enhance your meditation and stimulate your higher mind, which will link you to the most wonderful spiritual guidance. It will enhance your overall physical energy in a gentle manner and increase your strength and vitality. It will heal your sorrow and grief, and it will even lift you out of your depression. This stone will clear your mind and help you access your inner wisdom. It will also give you comfort and reassurance when you’re going through tough times in your life.

Calcite will also work on the stagnant energies in your life and break you out of your rut. It will remove the sluggishness and will boost your sense of self-worth. It’s a very uplifting stone that will bring about deep relaxation. It’s also the perfect stone for meditation, channeling, shamanic work, and psychic exploration.

Orange Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It will enhance all the gifts you possess and eliminate any pollution present in your body and light body. It will increase the flow of positive energies in your body so that the negative energies will be dispelled. It will also do the same with the space you inhabit, the things you use, and the people you spend time with. This stone will help you do away with old patterns, behaviors, and ways of thinking. It will make you realize that as time passes, everything changes. And with every change, certain beliefs and practices will also no longer be relevant. Orange Calcite will help you come to terms with these changes. This stone will show you how you can make space for new ways of living, fresh ideas, and other sources of inspiration.

Orange Calcite is an excellent stone for creating emotional intelligence. It will connect your head and your heart so that you can use your own wisdom and powers of discernment to achieve the best emotional outcomes for all concerned. This crystal has a powerful effect on the emotions associated with sex. It can help balance your male and female energies so that you approach your sexual encounters in an empowered and confident way. It helps to dissolve unnecessary guilt or shame and bring in new feelings, allowing you to enjoy your body’s natural pleasures. Orange Calcite has a balancing effect on the emotions and helps to dispel fear, anxiety and depression. It dissolves problems and maximizes potential

Calcites are amongst the most varied crystals, and come in a variety of colours and forms. Whilst the molecular structure is rhombohedral, crystals may form an incredible array of structural forms, some crystal forms demonstrating perfectly symmetrical geometry, others forming abstract shapes, masses, stalactites etc. The form energy of the specimen shape will have a strong influence on the healing properties of the crystal, thus especially when searching for calcite crystals it is of importance for one to connect with the structural form of the crystal.

Much of the calcite available in metaphysical stores comes from large masses of calcite either as rough, tumbled, or polished stones.

Here at Quantum Vortex Crystals we focus on bringing you some raw and natural examples of the wide array of crystalline forms this powerful crystal is able to create each with their own subtly powerful unique energy.

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