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TIGERS EYE • Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

TIGERS EYE • Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

Tiger's Eye is a Seeker/Transformer crystal. Seekers contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to find the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They’re also crystals of the student and the researcher.

Transformer crystals enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child. Seeker crystals with the earth power of the Transformer are excellent talismans to aid our efforts to grow, develop new capabilities and change our lives. In the metaphysical world,Also a Seeker/Transformer crystal, 

Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared – an “all-seeing all-knowing eye,” thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything, even through closed doors. Tiger’s Eye is ever vigilant, bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and better understanding of the cause and effect of each situation. It encourages one to use their powers wisely, and allows scattered information to be brought together to a cohesive whole. 

Tiger’s Eye supports necessary change in all aspects of one’s life, strengthening the will and clarity of intention in order to manifest at the highest level. Tiger’s Eye grounds the energy of the Solar Ray into the Earth, stimulating the First through the Third Chakras. It supports physical vitality, practicality, and maintaining balance between extremes. 

Tiger’s Eye resonates with the frequencies of the Earth and provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation, and stimulating contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. It engenders peacefulness and beauty, and connects with the spiritual power of the sun as nourishment for the soul. 

Tiger’s Eye enables the ability to remember dreams and to use dreamtime for spiritual advancement, sparking imagination, intuition, and opening up psychic talents in earthy people through Third Eye activity. It is remarkable for balancing yin and yang energies, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy. Tiger’s Eye is wonderful for connecting with Archangels Jophiel and Sabrael.
