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KUNZITE • Pink Kunzite Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

KUNZITE • Pink Kunzite Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

Kunzite is a Guardian/Dreamholder/Harmonizer crystal. In the physical world they are fantastic stones for travel, protecting your loved ones, your possessions, and your physical security. In the spiritual world, Guardian crystals have special uses. They serve to guard your beliefs against doubt, and can help you keep true to your ideals and cherished beliefs, reinforcing your strength of character. The Guardian crystals can also protect your spirits during trying and difficult times. They can be very effecting in aiding your efforts to maintain your disposition, sense of humor, and respect for others.

Kunzite is also a Dreamholder, a particularly powerful stone used in focusing our energy to hold onto our dreams. It overcomes life’s obstacles by providing tenacity, perseverance and patience.

Harmonizers, called the chain and band silicates, bind together in a long chain, distributing energy in a balanced, long-term way. They encourage efforts aimed at smoothing a path through difficulties, promoting harmonious relationships within a larger group, like family, and a peaceful acceptance of life’s inherent situations.

Pink Kunzite is a Stone of Emotion, opening and connecting the heart to the mind and stimulating a healing communion between the two. Kunzite encourages one to release walls built around the heart for protection and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love.

Kunzite is often called the Woman’s Stone. It is particularly supportive for a young or first-time mother and for all single mothers and assists human, as well as animal, mothers who may have a hard time caring for their young. It is a good stone for sleepless babies and over-active children and is an excellent gift for girls entering puberty to help them love their changing bodies.

It is also a powerful healer of the emotional body, particularly for those who have closed themselves off from life, or from others, to protect themselves emotionally. Its high vibrational energy encourages letting go of fears and sorrows that hold the heart to the past or the anxiety of the future and inspires being present in the perfection of the moment. It allows for free expression of feelings, healing the mind and heart, and being receptive to the gifts and opportunities life has to offer.

Kunzite, with its loving pink energy, activates the Heart Chakra and aligns it with the light violet energy of the mind, the Crown Chakra. This healing communication between mind and heart produces a powerful peace penetrating the inner core of one’s being and is expressed as pure joy in thoughts and feeling. Kunzite opens the heart to the energies of love – love of self, of others, for humanity, plants, animals, the earth and all it contains.

By embracing all other types of love, one is open to receive Divine Love and to recognize the essence of the Divine in us. This receptivity allows the love and gifts of the Divine to flow through one’s heart and life in infinite abundance. It helps one move through the day with kindness, gentleness and serenity.

Kunzite is a protective stone, dispelling negativity, and raising a shield around the aura against unwanted entities and outside influences. It provides a centering influence in all situations, allowing one to remain calm and focused, even in the midst of a crowd
