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AQUAMARINE • Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

AQUAMARINE • Crystal Healing Properties/Meaning

Aquamarine is an ancient talisman used by the Romans to purify water, it is a Seeker Energizer crystal. 

Seekers contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to find the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They’re pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, explorer, student and the researcher. 

Energizer crystals, such as Aquamarine, are powerful conduit crystals for focusing and amplifying the Universal Life Force and our energy to accomplish our goals. They aid in our efforts to gain what we seek, enhance our lives, protect what we value, and defend us from undesirable elements. Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. It relaxes speakers to a stage of consciousness in which they are fully aware of their own truths, wisdom and feelings, and able to articulate them with clarity and conviction. It also allows one to speak clearly and without anger in difficult situations. 

Aquamarine accelerates the intellectual reasoning processes and enhances the ability for rapid response. As a love crystal, pale blue Aquamarine encourages a lover to return, helps two people with different lifestyles to live together in harmony, and reduces the effects of sensitive issues that cause quarrels. Aquamarine is a stone of breath, the respiratory tract, and the lungs. It can heal sinus conditions and frequent coughing, and is effective for hay fever and other chronic allergies. It relieves colds and bronchitis. Aquamarine is a cooling stone, countering infections and useful for laryngitis, strep throat or a sore throat. 

Aquamarine is a Water element stone, powerful for cleansing the emotional body and opening communication. Its gentle energy brings emotional patterns to the surface and assists in understanding the reason for holding onto old thoughts or patterns that are limiting forward motion. It also identifies where ego is causing one to overreact, assume a victim/abuser role, manipulate others, or martyr oneself. By consciously releasing these patterns, it allows for better relationships, love and compassion. Aquamarine is useful for moving through transition and change, its cleansing energy removing resistance and helping one overcome fear of the unknown. It helps in the release of emotional baggage. 

Aquamarine is perhaps the strongest stone for clearing and activating the Throat Chakra. It stimulates energy from the heart to the throat, allowing one’s deepest and heartfelt truth to be communicated. Aquamarine can be used as a gateway crystal to the Divine Feminine, both within the self, and in Her outer manifestations. It lends women the courage to express their inner knowing and enhances their intuitive abilities, and helps dispel the emotional numbness and difficulty men sometimes experience in communicating their feelings.

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