"Master Buddha" Extra Large "Mandala Manifest" Charging Plate

"Master Buddha" Extra Large "Mandala Manifest" Charging Plate

"Master Buddha" Extra Large "Mandala Manifest" Charging Plate

Featuring a unique, hand-painted manifestation stone by Mandala Manifest.

This plate is dedicated to Master Buddha. The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, started his life as a rich mollycoddled prince, but one day he broke free from the palace and was exposed to sickness, age and death. 

This shook him and set him off on a spiritual adventure that would lead him to leave behind all earthly pleasures and seek enlightenment so that he could end suffering in the world. 

Now he helps us make contact with our inner teacher and encourages us to acknowledge how we feel and then accept it so that we can move beyond the suffering we feel.


This plate has been supercharged with megalithic energy on the Spring Equinox, at both the world famous Avebury Henge (the world's largest stone circle), and the Rollright Stone Circle, as seen in the photos.

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